Grants and Scholarships
"Autumn stories" Poprad, Slovakia, 2012
EU grant, art project with elderly adults at the Tatra Gallery Poprad, Slovakia 2012
with Bernd Adamek-Schyma
Scholarship of EVZ (Erinnerung, Verantwortung, Zukunft) Geschichtswerkstatt Europa, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany 2010
"Lückengefühl" Germany, Poland, Ukraine
Partly autobiographical project talking about the refugees after the Second World War
Artist in residence (visual), Hooyong Performing Arts Center, South Korea 2007
3 months residence stay in Kangwondo province in South Korea finished with the presentation "Korean Winter Yurt"
EU grant, art project with elderly adults at the Tatra Gallery Poprad, Slovakia 2012
with Bernd Adamek-Schyma
Scholarship of EVZ (Erinnerung, Verantwortung, Zukunft) Geschichtswerkstatt Europa, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany 2010
"Lückengefühl" Germany, Poland, Ukraine
Partly autobiographical project talking about the refugees after the Second World War
Artist in residence (visual), Hooyong Performing Arts Center, South Korea 2007
3 months residence stay in Kangwondo province in South Korea finished with the presentation "Korean Winter Yurt"